Monday, July 12, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Sunday looked a little bit like Monday (minus the 7 mile run):

When I wasn't reading out by the pool, I was introducing my mom to Green Monsters (I added fresh pineapple - whoah! Super yummy), organizing my "Recipes" page, and finally writing my "About Me" page. I'm also playing with the idea of my first giveaway in the next few weeks, but I need to decide what exactly I'm going to be giving away.

What are you favorite types of giveaways? Food products, dish-ware, books, videos, etc?


  1. I love being "busy" on weekends :) and pineapple in the smoothies, greaaat idea!!! I'll have to check out the new pages!

  2. I loved reading your About Me section! It seems that we have a bit in common, which is probably why I relate so well to your blog.

    I love food product giveaways, because it gives me a chance to try a new food that I have yet to purchase...though I would say dish-ware comes in a close second. Looking forward to seeing what you are going to offer!

  3. hey Meg! i just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hello! i'm also a runner (training for my first half come september!) and vegetarian 95% of the time. (pescatarian i think they call it. oh - and i'm not into dairy either.) looking forward to scoping out your blog!
