Thursday, August 19, 2010


That's what I think every other Thursday night, as I anticipate the arrival of our CSA box on Friday morning.

I always try not to peek at the Farm Fresh to You website, so I'll be surprised when the box arrives, but I was the kid who tore the house apart looking for presents the week before Christmas, so I'll let you take a guess at how well that works out for me (tomorrow's box looks good).

**Remember, Farm Fresh to You delivers to a TON of locations in Northern California! If you're interested in getting a delivery (totally customizable, get it every week, every other week, once a month, etc) sign up here, use coupon code 6164 to get $$ off your first box, and mention Megan Ellis.**

Despite my sheer exhaustion, I managed to drag my butt outside for a run when I got home from work this afternoon. I only had 3 miles scheduled (which I have been putting off since Tuesday) and I told myself that if I couldn't manage to run 3 measly miles, I should be ashamed of myself. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I have to guilt myself into a workout. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm too lazy to pull out the iPod, so here are some rough run stats:
  • Total Distance: 3mi
  • Total Time: ~26min
  • Average Pace: 8:55min/mi
Also, I'm happy to report that I'm blogging from the couch on my beautiful new Macbook. That I got for free. For my job. Teaching 11-year-olds. Being a teacher totally rocks.