As soon as the kids saw them, they got really excited because they knew they were full of:
We've spend the last several days working on our first "official" essay of seventh grade. We are analyzing the theme of Langston Hughes' "Thank You, Ma'm." It is hard work, but they are doing a great job! I am actually maybe kind of looking forward to reading 130 rough drafts when they get turned in on Monday! Maybe... Kind of...
My desk last November... |
This has pretty much thrown all cooking and working out plans into a complete tailspin. However, I plan to get back on track today! It's only (only!) 90 degrees in Campbell, so I think I can manage doing some Yoga Meltdown and abs and sticking a pork tenderloin in the oven. I might even bake some bread. I'll let you know how that all works out.
And finally, today is National Coffee Day! I couldn't let it pass without celebration, so I treated myself after work:
Please note, I went through seven lids before I could finally get one to stay on. It was well worth the effort.
Happy hump day!